Page 2 - LiqueColor ebook
P. 2
In hac habitasse platea dictumst.

Morbi lobortis, eros ut adipiscing placerat, erat sem sollicitudin risus, a
aliquet pede ligula ac nisi. Praesent vehicula diam eget felis. Praesent

tempus fermentum metus.


All of our aqueous, latex, UV and eco-solvent printer inks are designed together with your large
format HP Designjet, Canon, Roland, Mimaki and Mutoh printers to deliver consistently high quality
prints on a wide range of media – saving you time, money, and ensuring your customers’
satisfaction…and we guarantee it. This guarantee includes a limited lifetime replacement warranty
on printheads and ink trains. We also supply a wide range of media products from fabrics to canvas,
vinyls and laminates…we really have it all.


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